Bring the horror of "A Nightmare on Elm Street (1984)" to life with this black framed print. The feverish and genuinely frightening horror film follows the story of Freddy Krueger, a scarred maniac in a fedora and razor-fingered gloves, who terrorizes neighborhood teens in their dreams and in reality. In this classic children-fight-back genre film, the lead victim ingeniously battles Freddy to destroy him once and for all. Available in multiple sizes, this framed print features dark red, pink, black, and light gray blue colors that add to its eerie atmosphere. Made in the USA with archival-quality UV-resistant inks, this print comes with a 365 day workmanship guarantee.
- Black framed print of "A Nightmare on Elm Street (1984)"
- Multiple sizes available
- Features Freddy Krueger, a scarred maniac in a fedora and razor-fingered gloves
- Primary colors: Dark Red, Pink, Black, Light Gray Blue
- Made in the USA with archival-quality UV-resistant inks